Bus Tickets
Social Responsibility
Everything you need to know about buscor services
Expect More From Our Charter Services
Travel in the comfort of our charter buses and arrive early and safe. You get the benefits of having your own private bus driver to make sure that you are transported safely.
We drive you with pride
We take pride in serving and driving our community with dignity. Thus, we are dedicated to provide people in Nelspruit and surrounding areas with affordable, accessible, safe and convenient buses. We have designed a scheduled service that will keep our people up-to-date with all necessary information to help make life easier for everyone.
Ticket outlets
Visit the nearest Spar and Boxer stores to purchase and fill bus tickets.
Buscor Terminus
Theo Kleynhans Plots 16 White River
Buscor Terminus
Boxer, kanyamazane Shopping center
White River
Spar, Strydom Center
Buscor Terminus
Theo Kleynhans Plots 16 White River
Buscor Terminus
Theo Kleynhans Plots 16 White River
Buscor Terminus
Boxer, kanyamazane Shopping center
White River
Spar, Strydom Center
Buscor Terminus
Theo Kleynhans Plots 16 White River
Buscor Terminus
Theo Kleynhans Plots 16 White River
Buscor Terminus
Boxer, kanyamazane Shopping center
White River
Spar, Strydom Center
Buscor Terminus
Theo Kleynhans Plots 16 White River
Latest news
The schedule is in a table format with time-points listed in the column headers. To determine the time the bus will be at your stop, read the times listed under your time point. Read the schedule left to right to follow the route. Additional help in reading the schedule is available from your friendly driver or the customer service staff at the station.
A cashier at the station will assist you to activate your bus card for your chosen duration.
No, lost or stolen Smartcards will not be replaced or refunded. Your card is the same as having cash in your pocket. Keep your Smartcard safe at all times and begin to travel safely and securely.
You can buy your bus tickets at selected Spar, Shoprite, and Boxer supermarkets.